Register your location

How does it work?

Once your property has been registered; images, a short description of the property and the area it is located in will be displayed on the Location25 website. No contact details for the location owner or the property’s address are displayed on the website. Locations are selected either by the photographer or production company searching through the website or us here at Location25 searching for them and putting forward location suggestions matching their brief. If a property is then shortlisted we will contact the location owner and give details about the potential shoot such as what the shoot is for, dates, start and finish times, how many people will be at their property and what location fee is available. The location fee payable to a location owner will vary with each shoot as different factors determine the fee such as whether it is a film or a photographic shoot, how big the crew will be, whether the location is needed for one day or a week etc.

What happens next?

If the location owner is interested and available in the shoot then the photographer / production company will want to come and view the property at least once and maybe more than once. They are likely to view a handful of properties for a shoot. When a location is chosen Location25 will make sure that the photographer / production company are properly insured and put together a location agreement for the shoot between the two parties. Location25 will take 20% commission from the agreed location fee.

How to register

Please submit this form to register a property with us as a potential location. You will need to have ready some digital images of your property to attach.

Register Now

Step 1 of 3

  • To get started enter your name below