A bright and and multifunctional 755.24 sq ft loft space. Skylight windows provide great natural light throughout the day. The studio has high ceilings with wooden frames and white brick walls. There is also a working space, kitchen and bathroom.
Swimming pool, sports halls and main hall of a large school.
Detached Victorian house with a drive and a large south facing garden.
Small gym and fitness studio.
Fitness studios with a café and a gallery space.
Shared work space with meeting rooms and a gym. Possibly small crews during office hours otherwise out of hours evenings and weekends. Location also has a gym.
Private members fitness gym with an indoor swimming pool and treatment rooms.
Dance studios with various different loos and a theatre.
Very large luxurious family home complete with an indoor swimming pool, gym, tennis court and a games room with a cocktail bar. Large drive for parking.
Urban school with 2 fantastic sports halls.To see more areas of this school type in 2390, 2393 0r 2394 into the keyword search field and click “go”” and then click “”more info””.”
25-acre sports grounds and stadia providing indoor and outdoor facilites. These include a grandstand, pavilion, a 100-seated sport’s bar, 125-seated member’s bar and two function/banqueting rooms which can seat up to 100 or accommodate 150 for buffets. There is unlimited parking available on site. To see more of this location type 2275, 2277 or 2278 into the keyword search field.
25-acre sports grounds and stadia providing indoor and outdoor facilites. These include a grandstand, pavilion, a 100-seated sport’s bar, 125-seated member’s bar and two function/banqueting rooms which can seat up to 100 or accommodate 150 for buffets. There is unlimited parking available on site. To see more of this location type 2275, 2276 or 2278 into the keyword search field.