Magical woods with a cabin. Located hogh up with great views. Photographic shoots only.
Historical exterior areas which are all privately owned. To see more images type 2630 into the keyword search and click “go”” and then click “”more info””.”
Small holding with natural woodland, playing field, various caravans, stable blocks and outbuildings. To see more of this location type 1723 into the keyword search field and click “go” and then click “more info”.
Small holding with natural woodland, playing field, various caravans, stable blocks and outbuildings. To see more of this loction type 1722 into the keyword search feld and click “go” then click “more info”.
A vast and beautiful park estate with many buildings ranging from a modern stately house, farmhouses and farmyards to 18th Century cottages and magnificent converted Victorian stone farm buildings, cottages and barns. Some of the properties are empty and could be used for either office or residential shots.
3 connecting hot houses each having a different feel.
Large parkland full of interesting buildings which is within the M25.
Manor house with extensive grounds which has a variety of derelict buildings and to see these type 124 in to the key word search. Within the grounds there is also a derelict chapel in some woods and if you would like to see this type 125 into the keyword search. If you would like to see the house itself type 126 into the keyword search. This location is about a 2 hours drive from London.
Beautiful private square that is available for shoots and also hosts events year round.
Children’s adventure playground. The green and orange paddling pool has water fountains. To see the inside of the building which is on site type 751 into the keyword search field and click “go”. Closed to children on Mondays.
Childrens’ adventure playground. Has on site parking.
Wonderful steel sculpture within an urban landscape.