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Location 5505
Area: Surrey

Various backstage areas of a wonderful victorian theatre with a variety of dressing rooms. To see the front of house areas type 5502 into the keyword search and then click "go" and then "more info". Located within the M25.

Location 695
Area: East London

Theatre which has lots of other areas on site such as dressing rooms corridors an other halls. To view these type 693 or 694 into the keyword search and click "go".

Location 694
Area: East London

Back areas and halls belonging to a theatre. To see other areas type 695 or 693 into the keyword searcg field and click "go".


Saved images

Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 5505
Location: 695
Location: 694
Location: 694
Location: 694
Location: 694
Location: 694

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