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Location 7014
Area: Central London

Three storey Victorian building. A bar/restaurant with four different rooms. Local council is Islington.

Location 383
Area: Middlesex

The sheer enormity of the interior of this pumping station is breath takingly inspiring. The entire interior is being beautifully restored and is wonderfully atmospheric. To see more images of this location type 382 into the keyword search and click "go". 3 images will come up and click "more info" to see even more. This location is well within the M25.

Location 642
Area: N London

Large house on 4 floors with a Victorian exterior.


Saved images

Location: 3310
Location: 3310
Location: 3310
Location: 3310
Location: 3310
Location: 7014
Location: 7014
Location: 7014
Location: 2815
Location: 2815
Location: 2815
Location: 383
Location: 383
Location: 383
Location: 383
Location: 383
Location: 642
Location: 642
Location: 642
Location: 642
Location: 642

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