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Location 6303
Area: Surrey

Large, spacious, detached family home. Particularly large kitchen, sitting room, dining room, master bedroom and bathroom. Has a large driveway in the front garden and is located in a quiet residential area with unrestricted parking and is well within the M25.

Location 5917
Area: Hertfordshire

A 1920s large six bedroom, four bathroom house. A balcony from the master bedroom overlooks the large back garden. Other features include a grand piano and a carriage driveway. Back garden faces North East. Local council is Hertsmere Borough Council.

Location 5853
Area: West London

5 bedroom detached mock Tudor style house facing the commons. South facing garden. Local council is Ealing.

Location 5567
Area: N London

All the rooms and the garden in this detached 4 bedroom home have large dimensions. Kitchen is 22ft by 18ft. Lounge is 25ft by 15ft. Dining room is 14ft by 13ft. Garden is 160ft by 60ft.

Location 5260
Area: N W London

Neo Georgian 7 bedroom detached home. Back garden is facing North West. The rooms on the ground floor have double doors throughout so has an open plan effect. Local council is Harrow.

Location 1430
Area: Surrey

1970's detached spacious family home. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large kitchen with bifold doors opening onto the back garden, 3 reception rooms, a downstairs toilet, laundry room, hallway, double door front entrance, a large, open front garden with side access and a double garage. The interior is neutral, light and uncluttered.

Location 482
Area: Kent

All the rooms in this wonderful family home have extrodinarily large dimensions. Located well within the M25.


Saved images

Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 6303
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
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Location: 5853
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Location: 5567
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Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
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Location: 5260
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Location: 5260
Location: 5260
Location: 5260
Location: 5260
Location: 5260
Location: 5260
Location: 5260
Location: 5260
Location: 5260
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Location: 1430
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Location: 1430
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Location: 482
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