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Location 7849
Area: Middlesex

Large detached home with a beautiful garden.

Location 6306
Area: Kent

Semi-detached lived in family home with a large attic room.

Location 6307
Area: Undisclosed exterior

Semi-detached exterior of a house on a private Road.

Location 5917
Area: Hertfordshire

A 1920s large six bedroom, four bathroom house. A balcony from the master bedroom overlooks the large back garden. Other features include a grand piano and a carriage driveway. Back garden faces North East. Local council is Hertsmere Borough Council.

Location 5853
Area: West London

5 bedroom detached mock Tudor style house facing the commons. South facing garden. Local council is Ealing.

Location 5567
Area: N London

All the rooms and the garden in this detached 4 bedroom home have large dimensions. Kitchen is 22ft by 18ft. Lounge is 25ft by 15ft. Dining room is 14ft by 13ft. Garden is 160ft by 60ft.

Location 5568
Area: Undisclosed exterior

Front and rear of a detached family home.

Location 5303
Area: Middlesex

3 bed Victorian detached house with period features, high ceilings, fireplaces, sash windows loft room and driveway. Local council is Harrow.

Location 4837
Area: N London

Located on a private road with a quarter acre of grounds surrounded by trees with a pond, gravel drive, a lawn and a small wooded area. Bright & spacious lounge, large kitchen, dining room, study, 3 bedrooms. Couth facing back garden. Local council is Barnet.

Location 2654
Area: West London

Home with a large family kitchen with double doors leading to garden. Large open-plan living room and a smaller living room leading to the conservatory and the back garden. Entrance doors at the front, side and rear of the property.

Location 1855
Area: West London

Terraced family home on a quiet residential street. Conservatory has triple doors folding back to give an 8 ft wide opening onto the garden.

Location 1856
Area: Undisclosed exterior

Front and rear exterior of a terraced family home. Also has a garage at the back of their rear garden which is access by a back passage way.

Location 1075
Area: S E London

Semi detached 3 bedroom home in a quiet residential street.

Location 1073
Area: Hertfordshire

1935 semi detached house, 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom, 1 study. Located within the M25.


Location 193
Area: Surrey

3 bedroom detached house in a quite residential road. Location is well within the M25.


Saved images

Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 7849
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6306
Location: 6307
Location: 6307
Location: 6307
Location: 6307
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5917
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5853
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5567
Location: 5568
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Location: 5568
Location: 5303
Location: 5303
Location: 5303
Location: 5303
Location: 4837
Location: 4837
Location: 4837
Location: 4837
Location: 4837
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 2654
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 1855
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 1855
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 1855
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 1855
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 1855
Location: 1855
Location: 9608 West london Ryan
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1856
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
Location: 1075
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Location: 1073
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Location: 1073
Location: 1073
Location: 1073
Location: 1073
Location: 1073
Location: 1073
Location: 1073
Location: 1073
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: Alzheimers – NicolaJaneScott
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193
Location: 193

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